Wellness Way for Women: Holistic Health & Wellness Coaching
Physical Wellness Activity part 2

Physical Wellness Activity part 1

Fitness and Physical Activity

SwimmingThere are probably few people who would argue against the importance of fitness and physical activity in regards to our overall health and well-being.

Research repeatedly shows the importance of living a physically active lifestyle in reducing stress, maintaining proper weight, and preventing and reducing chronic diseases.

What do you think about when you think about exercise?

  • Enthusiasm
  • Dread

  • Work out at the gym

  • Running a 5K

  • Walking around the neighborhood

  • Playing sports

  • Aerobics class

One thing is certain, not every type of exercise is right for every personality type. There are people who love to exercise and people who do not. Part of the problem is when people who think they do not like to exercise concentrate on the types of exercise they do not like. They then simply assume they do not enjoy exercising.

Many years ago, I saw myself as a person who simply did not like to exercise. I really did not like it. The truth was, I did not like the types of exercises that many others thrive on. After taking a little quiz I found in a magazine about fitness (many years ago) what I discovered was that I simply did not like to exercise in a loud group, such as in an aerobics class. Others loved it. I Walking_exercisedid not. I tried running. That seemed to be the in-thing at the time. I fell and broke my foot, cracked 2 ribs, and sprained my ankle. So much for my running days. I was frustrated.

I discovered; that I like to walk quickly either by myself or with a partner. I like weight training; I like ballroom dancing (probably because I am dancing with one person at a time). I like hiking in the mountains; I do not like aerobic classes. In short, I like nature and I like to be alone, with a partner, or with a small group of individuals.

Other people thrive on loud music, large crowds, and competition. There is no right or wrong thing to like best. I encourage clients to discover their exercise personalities. A person is much more likely to succeed with a fitness program if they select activities they enjoy, not ones they are supposed to enjoy.


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