Intellectual Wellness pertains to developing the ability to learn, retain the knowledge learned, and apply it to everyday living. There is a wide range of intellectual abilities, from intellectual disability to intellectual genius. Most people will be somewhere in between these two extremes.
Directly related to Intellectual Wellness is one's mental or cognitive acuities. Cognitive or mental acuity refers to how the brain functions. Intellectual Wellness is affected by the ability or disability to learn, the ability to retain the learning, and the ability to apply that learning to proper functioning in life. In turn, Intellectual Wellness can affect all other areas in life.
The basics of Intellectual Wellness may begin with the ability to read, the level of reading, and retaining the information. After gaining knowledge, applying that knowledge to make proper judgments in decision making and interacting with others promotes Intellectual Wellness.
Intellectual Wellness or cognitive acuities is affected by various factors. The first could be someone's innate ability they acquired at birth. However, many things besides genetics are involved. Everyday choices can affect one's ability to learn and think clearly. Thinking skills such as reading, writing, planning using logic, having stimulating discussions with others, continually learning new skills, and being aware of the effects of any medication promote intellectual wellness.
Developing intellectual skills affect all areas of life. Intellectual Wellness improves one's ability to make proper physical health choices such as nutrition and healthy activities. It benefits emotional health by understanding moods and consequences. Intellectual Wellness helps with social interactions with family, friends, and strangers. It even helps with the last two areas of wellness, Environmental Wellness, and Spiritual Wellness. It creates the ability to think, retain that knowledge, and apply it to life.
Various behaviors can impair intellectual skills. Lack of sleep, drugs, alcohol, certain prescription medications, a poor diet, and even the aging process cause impairment. Some of these areas are easier to correct than others.
Intellectual Wellness affects all phases of life, starting from childhood to well into the aging process. Activities and abilities will vary, challenges will arise, and frustrations may occur. When a person can learn, comprehend, and make autonomous decisions, hope for a healthier life exists.
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