Holistic Health & Wellness: What does it mean?
By Karen Best Wright
Published in Albemarle Tradewinds
What do you think of when you hear the term "holistic health & wellness?" Do you have a clue? Do you think of alternative medical care or alternative healing techniques? That may or may not be part of a holistic health & wellness program or holistic lifestyle.
The word "holistic" originates from the Greek word "holos," meaning whole, complete, or entire. Using this definition, holistic health refers to a person's “complete” health that includes six areas: physical, emotional, social, mental/intellectual, spiritual, and environmental health. Holistic health is an all-encompassing approach to health.
What do you think of when you hear the word "wellness?" Wellness focuses on the positive aspects of health, not illnesses. It focuses on prevention and creating positive outcomes in all six areas of life.
The first thing that often comes to mind regarding health or wellness is “physical” wellness or illness. However, that is only one component of one’s well-being. All six areas of wellness (physical, emotional, social, mental/intellectual, spiritual, and environmental) interact together. They create either a balanced, productive, and satisfying life or an unbalanced life resulting in stress, unhappiness, and even illness.
The key to creating a healthy holistic lifestyle is first to remember the six areas of wellness. Write them down through journaling or put the list on your refrigerator or mirror. These six areas are best committed to memory to ensure personal progress.
Second, examine any habits, problems, and even desires or goals you may have. Decide which wellness category matches these actions and thoughts. And finally, stay positive. Focus on your strengths to help overcome any weaknesses.
This approach to wellness can benefit children, teens, individual adults, couples, and families. Watch for future articles covering in-depth information on each area of wellness.